Monday, April 23, 2012


Regarding funky spaces, the last blog post offered a grand edifice and a simple, 'weighted' structure of neatly piled wood.

Here is another rendition.  So simple and no nails needed.
I became curious.
I looked for more funky spaces.
Would I dare live in any of these creations?
Some, like the neat dome of piled wood, will not protect us but the skeleton is a good beginning. 
 I'd love to drape it in canvas and paint wild flowers on it.
But then I would miss the beauty of the perfectly placed wood.

What about this one?
The covering for the lost window pane does not seem too difficult to fix.
I hope the door is bolted shut.
That's a long step to the ground.
Could I live above a store?
I could if it were here: Georgetown Washington.
Funky! . . .  and Red, White and Blue if you include the lamp globe.

I want to move in but the front door won't open.
This sits one-dimensional piece of wood sits
 in a tiny garden along with other unique art forms.
A funky space IN a funky space nestled between Smithsonian museums.

No matter where we reside, we can enjoy some aspect of our own space.
To make my living space 'funky' I sometimes place something unusual on the front porch . . . like this ratty yellow chair I found for $5.
That was last year.  Don't know what I'll do this year.
Silly stuff, odds and ends . . .  makes for funky space

I'll share more from our last trip after I return from another jaunt.
This time I will be inside, listening and learning and sharing with others . . .  for many days.
Glad it is cold and rainy outside.

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