The empty space echoes.
We emptied out the sanctuary last night . . .
nothing in the tabernacle . . .
gleaming brass candlesticks vanish . . .
anything that can move was taken away . . .
the huge cross was draped to remind us of emptiness.
Jesus emptied himself out for us . . .
emptied of all his blood . . .
he bled to death . . .
for us.
At 9am this morning I linger a little longer than usual in my favorite chair.
I choose not to read or study or listen to music.
I simply sit.
I pray nothing . . .
I try to think nothing . . .
I simply stare out the window . . .
I empty my thoughts . . .
I empty my senses.
At Noon I begin reading the Passion according to John 19.
At Noon Jesus heard from those around him . . .
Crucify him . . .
Crucify him!
The words pierce my soul . . .
just as the thorns pressing into Jesus' skull pierced his skin.
I cannot imagine the pain . . .
the humiliation . . .
the human endurance needed for this ordeal set before Jesus.
At Noon, Jesus' life begins to empty . . . one drop of blood at a time.
At Noon, Jesus' suffering begins with words . . .
then continues with the physical . . . scourging . . .
the crown of thorns pressing into his skull . . .
as he carries a heavy beam to the place he would die . . .
refusing the gall that would numb the pain of nails driven into the most vulnerable parts of his body.
Jesus still attended to business after he was nailed to the Cross.
Jesus pardoned another . . .
on the cross next to him . . .
when the criminal asked if he could be remembered in God's kingdom.
Jesus made sure his beloved John took care of Mary, Mother of Jesus.
Jesus disconnected from his Father in order to take on all our sin . . .
Past . . .
Present . . .
Future . . .
Nothingness . . .
For one instant . . .
one speck of time . . .
Jesus separated himself from his Father . . .
nothing . . .
nada . . .
zip . . . communication.
For years Jesus was connected to his Father . . . 24 . . . 7 . . . 365 . . .
not one millisecond was Jesus detached from the One who gave him life.
Now, for one instant . . .
3 pm . . . The final moment of excruciating pain endured. . .
for us.
Jesus shed his last drop of blood . . .
for us.
Totally empty . . .
Jesus became thirsty . . .
and sucked a little of the thirst-quenching vinegar . . .
enough to make his voice heard . . .
enough to give his final words . . .
to us.
and then he breathed his last.
Some say Jesus spoke his last words with fortitude and resolve.
It was like he was saying,
"I have done everything my Father sent me to do on earth . . .
including this excruciating death."
Jesus was now ONE with his Father.
Jesus, through this act of love for us was telling us,
"We triumph over darkness,
We triumph over evil,
We completed this final sacrifice . . .
so no other sacrifice need be given for the sins of God's chosen people.
We: Father, Son and Holy Spirit . . .
WE . . .
as ONE . . .
have conquered death . . .
Once . . .
for ALL."
Jesus emptied himself out for us . . .
that we might become empty of all that keeps us from relationship with God.
Today is an empty day.
But this is only Friday.
As Tony Compollo said in his famous speech many years ago . . .
This is Friday . . .
Sunday's coming!
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