Monday, December 13, 2021



Rejoice in the Lord, always,

Again, I say Rejoice !!!

Gaudete is Latin for ‘Rejoice’!  

We light a Rose Candle on the Advent wreath to remind us to ‘lighten up’ our penitential load just a bit as we are half way through our time of anticipation of the coming of the Lord.  

The Lord is near!  

Let us anticipate another year serving our Lord with gladness of heart.  


It’s especially difficult this year to take time to quiet our soul, read a little extra scripture, and pause a little longer each day.  

It’s as if we have been caged with Covid for two years so every party invitation is a must.  

Shopping is a little off the chart.  

Travel to see loved ones is top priority.  

December is busy enough preparing for all the festivities.  

How do we find the time to breathe deep and quiet the soul as worldly  noise swarms around us daily?


Perhaps we can take time to remember the physical and emotional weight Mary carried as she anticipated the birth of the seed planted in her by the Holy Spirit.  Just as the Ark of the Old Covenant carried the very presence of God, so also, Mary, the New Ark, carried the presence of God in the flesh, the New Covenant.  

Perhaps we can take a pregnant pause with Mary.  

Perhaps we can find a moment each day to slow down, breathe deep and ponder what is next for us according to God’s will.


In fact whenever we read scripture we take time to humble ourselves before our  God.  

Zephaniah, a prophet of God, warned the people of Judah to return to God.  “Return to Zion, the seat of God” says Zephaniah.  

He warns God’s people not to turn their backs on God.  


Rejoice in God forever!

“Sing aloud, oh daughter of Zion.” 

"Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter, Jerusalem!” 

“The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall fear disaster no more.”  

These are words of hope given to a people who had given up hope. 

God’s word, spoken through the oracles of Zephaniah, showed the Hebrew people the error of their ways.  

Yet, in the end, there is always rejoicing in the hope of Messiah whom God’s people knew was to come.  

The first Song of Isaiah, Chapter 12, begins with words of joy, hope and anticipation.  

“The Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense and he will be my Savior.”  “Cry aloud, inhabitants of Zion, ring out your joy!”  

These words remind us that the Lord, thy God, is in our midst from the very beginning.

 All who immerse themselves in the springs of salvation will rejoice!  


Paul’s words in Philippians also echo the joy that is possible for us all when we empty ourselves of our burdens and fill ourselves to overflowing with the presence of our Lord.  

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice.  Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.”  

Paul writes these words from Rome where he is incarcerated.  He assures the Christians in Philippi that, indeed, death may be near but that is all the more reason to rejoice in the Lord!”  


Paul reminds us that if we have been filled with the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we have all we need to draw close to our savior.  

The Holy Spirit directs our path if we wait, fill ourselves with God’s presence and fortify ourselves for any adversity set before us, even death.  

For Paul, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.”


Rejoice that the Lord is near.  

Rejoice that we have all that we need to live eternally. . .  or do we?  

Have we fortified our soul through God’s word, prayer, worship and Holy Communion regularly?  

Have we gathered in community to share our faith-stories or to pray with someone if our burden is heavy? 


During this wonderful period of rejoicing, we must also look at reality.  

Luke’s long focus on John the baptizer shows us the importance of taking time to prepare our souls, for the Lord IS near.  

John’s ministry paved the way for faithful Jews to “make way for the Lord.” 

Those flocking to John have been convicted of their prideful ways.  

The jews who swarmed to hear good news from John were greeted with words of conviction.


John says it like it is. “You sneaky snakes thinking you can manipulate your way into God’s kingdom as you break God’s laws daily.”   

You think your salvation is locked in because of your lineage from Abraham.  That's not enough.  Righteousness before God must bear fruit.  ‘Come, repent as you prepare for the One who is to come.'  

"Soldiers, quit your extortion tactics.  

Tax collectors, stop taking from the people more than is required.  

All of you, if you have a morsel of extra food, share it.  

If you have an extra blanket, give it to one who has none.  

Return to the matters of the heart." 


John wanted God’s people to understand that he had no power other than to be the prophet of judgment, the prophet who would lead others to the One who is to come.  

John knew he was unworthy to be in the presence of the most Holy One who would soon appear.  

John made sure others knew there was One who would not just baptize with water but who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and clean out the chaff with the fire of conviction. 

“The Messiah is near.  He will clean up this mess that has been laid to waste.  He will burn the chaff that is of no use to God.”


And so we rejoice in anticipation of the One who was, and is, and is to come.  

We rejoice that we can repent, clean out our soul and confess our sins to God and our neighbor.  Once we come before our Lord with humble hearts, having cleaned our souls, we can know that the Lord is near and rejoice always, no matter how challenging our circumstances.


So, pause, 

Take a deep breath. 

Breathe out all that gets in the way of the Lord’s presence in us.  

Let us “Rejoice in the Lord, ALWAYS.  

Again, I say Rejoice, for the Lord is near.”  

Let’s celebrate now and throughout the coming year. 


 [An edited sermon from the third Sunday of Advent: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7;  Luke 3:7-18 ]








Monday, November 29, 2021


“We gather together to ask the lord’s blessings . . . “  

It’s a very old tune that was part of my annual e-card I sent to family for Thanksgiving Day.

November seems to be a transition month between the golden - red colors of Fall and the chill winds of Winter.  

It’s our month to migrate to the southern part of the U.S.

This tropical climate usually does not cool until January but we have been blessed to linger a little longer these brisk mornings before we take our early walk.

As we look at this year, and our life as a whole, we acknowledge God’s endless blessings every single day.

I am dumbstruck by daily surprises that lift my soul.

Hubby and I laugh out loud most days as we rejoice in one more surprise that points our thoughts beyond ourselves.

I often ask myself why we feel such a sense of gratitude.

My inward response is that we choose a positive attitude.

Daily I am inundated with grave prayer concerns.

My heart skips a beat as I read the list.

Our own aches and pains diminish quickly as we pray for others.

We are healthy for the most part and have been able to navigate Covid19 and meet weekly needs.  

Of course, Zoom has been a total blessing for classes and meetings.

We choose to keep moving forward no matter what headline might stop others from getting fresh air, worshipping in community and serving others when called to do so.

There have been may ‘rainy’ days if I look backward.  Yet, at the time we managed to wade through the mud with body, mind and soul well in tact.  I marvel that we have never made much money yet we are able to pay bills and retain a ‘rainy day’ fund that we have yet to use.

We live simply but we never feel we lack anything.

Again, our attitude seems to carry us through some pretty tight spots.

I’m big on planning for the worst, living in the present, and rejoicing that we have yet to be faced with the ‘worst.’

Of course, we can evaluate what ‘the worst’ might be.

As long as I am breathing I have not been through ‘the worst.’

Yet, even in dying, I only think of what I might miss if I leave hubby and friends.  

I know I’ll be in the presence of the Most Holy One rejoicing with the Angels.  That does not seem like ‘the worst’ to me.

As I linger in my ‘November’ years I do find myself assessing the contention of my soul.

Doctors are good at assessing the condition of my body and informing me of the next steps.

However, it’s up to me to do the daily work that gives strength to my soul and direction to my day.

It’s up to me to retain the disciplines that keep my mind, body and soul healthy.

It’s up to me to walk briskly every morning, breathe deep and embrace nature.

It’s up to me to ponder words from God that fill my soul with God’s presence and with admonitions as to how to rejoice always.

It’s up to me to take time to quiet my spirit and simply listen, wait, and listen some more.

It’s up to me to trust that my periods of stillness and silence will quiet my spirit, fill my mind with creativity, and enable me to move forward each day with a plan to serve the Lord with gladness.

Prayer swarms through me daily.

Listening is part of prayer.

Talking is the other part.

The Lord and I have a wonderful ‘listen-talk’ relationship.

Usually God listens and I talk.

I have to work hard to turn this around.  

It depends on the day.

It’s up to me to choose the way I want to live.

I made that choice 40+ years ago.

I share the words of Joshua: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” . . .  I add, “With Gladness.”

Each day is a choice.

I may feel deeply hurt or I might feel like I am slogging through mud or I may not know what I am suppose to do some days.

That’s when I stop.

I breathe.

I take it easy and quiet my soul with inspirational words, soft music, a cup of steaming tea and a scone .

After all, it’s November, a transition month.

I choose to focus on gratitude for all the blessings of the past months. and give thanks for all that will transpire in the future.

After all,

God is good

Life is good

I am good. . . . and grateful . . . and filled with Thanks - Giving for all that has thus far transpired in my life.

How about you?

Saturday, October 30, 2021



Oh October, glowing gold and bright reds,  

in fields and leaves and mountainside beds.

Changes around me are much like my life.

They glow with delight as they smother inner strife.

Taking walks and driving through fields that glow,

knowing that soon they will be filled with soft snow.

Opines we feel knowing summer has passed,

sharing fond memories that forever will last.

Beings and gardens share much in common,

as we lament in remembrance that blooms must say, “Amen.”

Ever and often we glance out from inside,

as rain pummels down and washes leaves that died.

Reverence fills my soul as I look out and see,

the changes out there are like changes in me.

So ends this ode to October but more lies ahead . . . 

as I linger in thoughts and lie longer in bed.

while swirling of memories goes about in my head.

My life is like October which moves like a song, 

even if parts of me feel like they are gone.  

My memory is not what it use to be,

but I cling to each though like a crimson leaf on a tree.  

Life is filled with north winds that blow, 

and parts of myself might get lost in the flow.

But I am strong and eager and often filled with delight,

as I linger in warmth by the fire at night.

I see the changes out there beyond us.

Do I ponder the same that goes on inside us?

Is my soul ready for the drama of Fall?

Is it filled to overflowing with the One who loves us all?

Do I keep walking forth against the North wind,

if I’m blown and spin in a swirl that turns me outside-in?

I keep walking forth at a steady pace,

knowing my Lord embraces me with His GRACE.

God’s riches I see in October’s color.

They glitter and explode this month as none other.

Riches unearned but with humility accepted,

as I ponder the beauty God’s earth has reflected.

Always with me, His Spirit in my soul,

I marvel at the glory of His presence, my goal.

Cheering me on, embraced by His love,

I shuffle through life as I’m led from above.

Ever, forever, God never lets go, 

reminding me always that I must go with the flow.

Today I feel blessings I am unworthy to receive,

but God’s presence fills me and does not deceive.

October brings forth deep desires,

to ponder and sing of all that transpires.

I see leaves swirling frenzy as winds blow hard,

to remind me of my own debris in my heart.

I breathe out a long sigh as I release all my woes,

and breathe in new freedom from my head to my toes.

I feel a release as I see the fall sights,

and my heart twirls with glee as I grasp new delights.

I’m open and empty to grasp all I can, 

in these dim lit days as winter is at hand.

I bundle up in layers of wool,

 as I brave the north winds before winter’s snow.  

I keep moving forward against the brisk rain,

 knowing that God in my life is my gain.

New awareness that Fall is very much in my life,

I keep moving forward, my heart empty of strife.

I feel renewed daily with deep joy inside, 

knowing my Lord, my God is with me, my guide.

And so I end this long October Ode,

and hope all who read this enjoy this month’s treasures like gold.

I could write little diddies all the day long,

but then the delight would fade in this song.

May blessing abound as we move into winter,

May our hearts ponder thoughts that give us delight.

May God in His grace give us all we desire,

May God be with us every day and each night.

May our Lord spread His bounty so full in our hearts,

Let our minds mull the generous gifts He imparts.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 It is through God’s grace that we are alive and well and able to enjoy God’s creation.  It is through his Son, the second person of the Trinity, that grace blooms.  I seek to see God’s creation not only with my eyes but with my soul.

That’s why I see God’s grace through these September swirls of color. 

As I have stated over these past few months, we had an amazingly beautiful summer with frequent rain, plenty of sun, just enough warm days and a surprisingly cool entry into Fall.

September is one of those months where we sense a transition into Fall apparel but too often it is hot and dry and too uncomfortable to wear more than one thin layer of clothing.  This year is different.

I was ready to embrace a hot Fall when cool winds swirled through this hilly dale and surprised us all.  I’ve been wearing sweatshirts most of this month.

Needless to say, the Mums and Asters dot front yards a month early.  I exchanged my pots of red, white and blue petunias for gold mums, blue asters and a pop of rose from a plant I’d never seen before.  It’s from India so it will not last long.  But WOW!  With my mums already popping up all over the garden, these large pots added to our show-stopper front yard.

So, one might ask, “Why do I focus on my garden each month?”  Because I never had a garden until I ‘retired’ almost ten years ago.  I actually went back to work part time but I finally found time to build terraces with little stone walls down our hill.  Now all we see is abundant variegated green, blue, rose, yellow and odd pops of color.

Over these several years I have marveled at God’s amazing creation that is now permanently planted on only one-quarter acre of land. I enjoy digging in the ground, creating my stone-edged herb garden, hauling dirt and bricks for days, and transplanting perennial blooms that may fare better in another spot.  I also have an excuse to enjoy these balmy summer months outside.

I still teach and attend meetings via Zoom as we deal with the various anomalies of the continuing COVID challenge.  Annual medical and dental appointments, errands, visits with friends and jaunts outside our town sometimes seem like mastering a maze for a few months.

I can count on the relaxation of digging soil, pulling weeds, cutting back the endless growth or simply sitting on my little bench and viewing acres of beauty that surround us.  Blooms burst forth in spring with vigor, die back a little in the summer heat, then gracefully show their beauty again about this time of year.  My Clematis is blooming again and the Daisies, cut back months ago, are showing off their white faces!

Tarragon and Garlic Chives nestle between vibrant rose bushes.  Russian Sage leaps forth, covering endless varieties of hasta, some so large they press against the larger bushes. The Hydrangea bushes are filled with massive pom-poms of rose and blue with a hint of antique white.  Creeping blue geraniums wind around salvia.  Most delightful are my Winterberry bushes that are bursting with bright red berries.

This swirl of beauty stimulates all my senses and reminds me of our benevolent God.  Just as colorful beauty surrounds and fills me, I am also reminded of the all-encompassing embrace of God’s grace holding me tight and directing me as I journey forth, one day at a time.

The JOY I feel each day as I focus on what is laid before me seems overwhelming in the same way that these garden blooms overwhelm my soul.  I see and touch God’s creation daily and hear God’s creatures as they flit by like a butterfly or a grasshopper or a hummingbird or even big, noisy groups of geese.  The swirl of infilling is wondrous.

One more month and all will remain as it is for the winter.  For now, I linger in my garden and enjoy each part of this tiny world of wonder.  

"It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.”  Jeremiah 10:12

Friday, August 27, 2021


 Do you remember a time in your life when everything seemed topsy?

When ‘right-side-up’ seemed like up-side-down?

When you could not articulate the constant swirling in your soul?

When life lived in fullness seemed too far away to connect?

This August, life around me seems topsy.

Up is down.

Yes is ‘no’.

In is out.

ReJOYce is reversed, turned around, skewed.

Indeed I rejoice daily but then I read the paper or listen to the news or receive a devastating prayer request.

My heart skips a beat.

The world is so crazy!

Is there no one left in this world who thinks beyond personal gain?

Is satan taking vulnerable people and twisting their souls until dead? Where is the logic?

Where is the step-by-step pondering over difficult situations?

Is there no hint or sign that things could be otherwise?

Is each day so spontaneous that there is no forethought regarding solutions to years-long problems or suggestions for better health before catastrophe happens?

August is a time to linger in the shade with a glass of Ice Tea.  

It’s a time to lazily read a book if there is time to spare each day.  

It’s a month that signals the coming of another school or church year.

It’s a time to plan, prepare, move ahead of the curve so that we are ready for another great season of being, of learning, of rejoicing with others.

After all, being in community is important to most of us.  

How we linger with one another can either be spontaneous or scheduled with well planned opportunities.

August is one of my favorite months because hubby and I take one day at a time.  

If the weather is good we may take a day trip.  

If it is too hot, we eat ice cream.  

If we want to be lazy we give ourselves permission to do so.

On the other hand, it is also a time for me to think of all I’d like to accomplish when the air is cooler, when more people have settled back home after vacation or when most schedules are being set for the coming year.

I love learning and teaching.

Therefore, I must think ahead:  Specific dates and times for classes, resources needed to complete the goals that I set, contingency plans so we leave no one stranded if times and events change. 

Planning ahead is part of our daily lives.  

One adage I live by is, “Make a structured plan and then feel free to deviate from it.”

It’s sort of like building a house.

We dream of decor or the finest kitchen but if the house foundation is faulty, all will collapse.

Life is that way.

If we move through life with little ‘form’ to our days, we may feel like we’ve accomplished nothing even though simply being awake and breathing is truly an accomplishment some days.

However, if we formulate a plan and create simple habits we most likely will have a sense of stability, a strong foundation. 

For instance, each morning I choose to accomplish tasks within a two-hour period.  No matter when I wake up, I focus on these tasks.  

First, I tidy up the bedroom and brush my teeth.

Second, I put on comfy clothes for 30 minutes of exercise.  This could be a swift walk in the neighborhood or cardio on my glider.  This exercise is not an option but a necessity to maintain my health.

Third, I fix my own breakfast that is simple and specific.  [Hubby has already enjoyed his so we later share a mid-morning time of oatmeal and meditations.]

Fourth, I study scripture, read from a theological book and dive into prayer, not necessarily in that order.  Often I begin while I am sipping my early morning tea.  Then I take more time to linger over a variety of options.  I love to study so I have to watch my time.

Fifth, I clean up and dress for the day which could be running errands, a meeting on Zoom, an adventure with hubby, addressing specific chores or ‘all of the above’.  

On gardening days this step may be moved far beyond my “two hours.”  Gardening days are my JOY.  I can linger in dirt for hours.  

Why is my morning so structured?  

Because I have tried to move these habits to another part of the day and I have failed miserably.  

If I do not accomplish the basics in the morning I might as well forget it.  Some days are like that.  I get up too late or have an early morning meeting.  

When I break a habit, even when I cannot help it, I feel a bit topsy, a bit up-side-down.

When the world spins about me in what I perceive to be total chaos, these habits keep me grounded, focused, grateful and joy-filled.  

These habits are part of my foundation, just like that of a little house.  When built strong my inner foundation stands firm even when storms blow hard around me.

Ahhh, August.

I’ve been slacking off a bit this summer.

It’s a time to get back into those habits that ground both body and soul.

It’s time to linger a little longer doing the things I love to do.

It’s a time to rejoice in the fact that I crave my little schedule of habits knowing that I am solidly grounded as the Lord leads me.

There is a passage of scripture that I have loved for years from Philippians 4:11-13  “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being filled and of going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

As I retain my foundation of good habits, I am strengthened for any circumstance and know intimately the One who strengthens me.

Ahhh, August

Ahhh, Life

Ahhh, the Breath of life for both soul and body in these crazy times 

Ahhh, My God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Ahhh, Grateful

Ahhh, Rejoice !!!