Monday, December 3, 2012


My natural progression from THANKS is GIVING.
We proceed immediately from a day of THANKS to a month of GIVING.
So, I suggest that the celebration we call Thanksgiving is truly a prelude to an entire month of thanks-Giving!
This year we were given more than a week to prepare for the month of celebrations focused on giving to others,
Giving thanks for our surplus,
sharing with others and
getting outside of our little boxes
so that we can enter into the lives of those less fortunate or those going through a difficult time.

I continue to GIVE thanks daily even though I am far behind on my daily Gifts of Grace blog.
I'll get there.

I have been 'gifted' with an interlude.
Christmas decorations are still in a pile.
The tree must wait to be decorated.
Cards and annual notes to dear friends all over the country must wait.

The family is pulling together to help dad.
Dad had a bit of a 'blip' when one of the kids brought him south for a few months.
My sister and her husband have done the lion's share of the work.
They just 'happened' to be closest to dad when he had his setback.

It's been one challenge after another and a couple hospital stays.
But, he is now under family care.
I't my turn now.
My hubby holds the fort up North while he helps me prepare for a jaunt south for a short time.

I choose to GIVE of my time and energy as do my brothers and sisters.
We're each taking our turn.
Giving. . .
Isn't that what it's all about?
Does one really need to go to this party or decorate or create with friends?
Does one really need to do all the things required of us during this Christmas season?

Sometimes we are simply asked to BE.
To be present.
To be the present that an aging parent needs.
To simply sit,
 and be there,
and do little . . . except be attentive . . .
and be ready to listen if the aging parent wants to talk.
Most likely I will simply be present.

I'm not there yet.  I'm in the middle of my travels.
That's the other part about giving.
It started at 5:30 this morning.
The airplane increased its departure time by thirty minute segments until a gate agent whispered in another's ear . . . "It may cancel."
I'd been praying that God would weave the right route as the agent working with me tried to find an alternate route.
It turned out that the best 'route' would be to try again tomorrow . . . simply repeat the whole series of flights the next day.
So, I call my hubby and invite him to turn around . . . he was already home from the grocery store when I called.
He GAVE his time and energy to return to the airport.
Just when I knew he would arrive to pick me up, the airline announces that the flight that was 'canceled' is boarding!
I flew out of my chair,
ran to the agent,
asked if I could re-check my bag,
rebook a seat on the flight,
run through all the check points,
 catch that flight,
 AND find a connection to my final destination!
In five minutes she had me rebooked, rechecked and on my way!

I'm re-calling my hubby who was patiently waiting outside.
I was running through 'body-check',
 throwing my stuff back in my carry-on bag,
almost forgetting my shoes,
and running toward the plane.

The agent GIVES me a sweet, knowing smile.
He knew I was the one they were waiting for.
I run down the jetway only to stand in line as people are still trying to find spots for their carry on luggage in a half-empty plane.
Most of the original passengers had found alternate flights.

And so I sat for another half hour.
Do we cancel again?
I GIVE THANKS for the miracle of me being at the right place to hear the flight called.
I GIVE THANKS for getting on and getting routed all the way to my destination . . . even though I will arrive nine hours late.
I GIVE THANKS that we FINALLY do take off.
I GIVE THANKS that my sweet hubby hung around 'just in case,' after I called and told him the turn of events.
I GIVE THANKS that my dear sister swallowed hard and was ever-so-polite when she heard I'd initially be a day late.
I GIVE THANKS that I was able to call again and assure her and her hubby that I'm on my way.
They GAVE so much of their time and energy and patience over the past several weeks.
It is time for me now.

And then my brother will take the baton from me.
He and dad will figure the best long term solutions.
All of us are GIVING a bit of our hearts for this effort.
And that's what it's all about.
This GIVING season is revealing a very unique opportunity to 'give' in ways that may not be the easiest for us.

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