Saturday, November 24, 2012


It's what life is all about, isn't it.
We can look at the daily 'stuff' and choose to be grateful or choose to whine.
It's not easy.
This home near us was so damaged that it was torn down.
I can note plenty of people who truly have the right to whine.

It turned bitter cold today.
I cannot imagine being in a damaged home without heat or living in a hotel room with five other people.
Yet, I read in the news that these people give THANKS . . . that their family is together, that there is so much generosity, that life continues to move forward with every tic of the clock.

Life happens.
Sometimes it is not so good.
Sometimes it is fabulous.

This month had its ups and downs for many of us.
THE storm, Sandy.
THE election
Go to and
enjoy incredible
works of art.
A national holiday called THANKS=GIVING.
It's a day to say THANKS.
We were blessed, my hubby and I, to enjoy a quiet time together after a delightful trip to D.C.
We enjoyed balmy weather and digested incredible works of art.
We gawked and swooned as we walked wide paths.
We ate authentic foods made by cooks from other nations.
We joined the masses on the subway as we traveled into the busy city.
And then we drove home before the holiday crowds filled the vast highway lanes.
We arrived just in time to enjoy a special meal on a day set aside for the nation to give THANKS.

This day set aside for THANKS melts into thoughts of GIVING.
THANKS and GIVING do blend together, don't they.
Yet, THANKS is so daily.
One Thousand Gifts . . .  of THANKS.
Go to Ann's blog to learn more
That's why I joined hundreds of others around the world as we share in daily THANKS with the writer of One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp: A Holy Experience

This month I reached 1000 THANKS!  ASTONISHING! . . .  just by writing three THANKS each day!  I invite you to look at my other blog to see what I've done: Daily Graces from God

I continue my daily THANKS as a wonderful discipline to remain positive in a life that seems to spin in so many directions.
As I give THANKS, I set my eyes on the season of GIVING!
THANKS  + GIVING = A long season of wonders.
May THANKS and GIVING become a daily part of our lives.

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