I don't blame the very few who chose to visit this site and linger a little while once a month.
I check the little clock that is on the right side of this blog.
It just keeps ticking.
Nothing stops time.
Every tiny snippet of time seems to evaporate as I scurry from one adventure to another.
No time.
Plenty of time to find a snippet of time.
Perhaps I have strayed from my monthly ritual because . . . ?
No excuse.
I prepare lessons on time.
Every week I drink in God's Word so that I might blurt out some understanding of His Word to others.
Every day I take time to digest words from the daily lectionary . . . even on vacation.
We took a break from the cold this month and went south to warm up a bit.
One would think I would take time to send words out on this blog.
At least I lingered longer with my 'Daily Graces'.
Alas, time got away from us.
Too many friends to see.
Too many places to explore.
T I M E is like T H Y M E. . . . in my garden.
It pops up out of nowhere and spreads into tiny crevices if I am not intentional to grab it.
Time and Thyme are like that.
I need to be intentional and grab those snippets if only to linger in a sense of timelessness.
Even now I stray from a deadline to produce words for others to hear and digest on Sunday.

I choose to breathe deep, linger in my garden as Thyme envelopes my senses.
May what I learn about thyme in my garden plant teach me how to linger and weave thoughts into the cracks of my schedule.
Time IS like Thyme.
It's Time to embrace a snippet as it creeps into the crevices of my life in the same way I snip a branch of my favorite herb to add to our simple suppers.

May each of us take time to enjoy the snippets of . . .
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