Thursday, March 13, 2014

MARCH WIND for my journey

Why do I always forget that WIND is part of March?
  It never fails.
 Perhaps I have been so busy shoveling snow in relatively calm weather that I forgot to anticipate the whipping chill of sleet in my face.
 Oh Joy . . .  Oh March . . . a good time to walk into the season of Lent.

One might as well find a soft chair and a window and simply wait out the season.
It's a good time to wind through the streets of Jerusalem as I wander with those who are aware of Another who is drawing people to God by the hundreds.

What is it about Jesus?
He simply tells a story that has many layers and people want more.
 Is it the fact that we want Another to peel the skin off so we can see more clearly?
The layers covering my own eyes, closing my sight from the obvious, need to be pealed off one layer at a time.
It seems I have a choice.
I can either battle the chill curtain of cold outside or dig deeply into my soul to find what I keep hidden inside.
What a choice.
So, here I sit in quiet contemplation.
I choose to linger a little longer by the fire and take a moment to look deep.
Can't see much.
Too many 'layers' covering that gem that God planted deep inside me, being 'rubbed' and 'polished' by  my life journey.
That gem deep inside is not ready to be drawn out for all to see . . .  yet.
Other parts of me, led by the Spirit, can easily cast light on my path.

 I sit and read and reflect and work on words that I will share in a few days.
I'm on a journey with God . . . through His Son . . .  Jesus.
I am on a journey to the cross.
Only my journey is taking a lifetime.
Jesus journeyed only a few years.
I'm glad it is too cold and windy for me to flit away my time beyond this self exploration.
Sometimes it takes the wind to draw me inside myself.
And so I wonder and ponder and smile at the results.
I know.
I know I belong to Him.
I know that no matter how many mistakes I make my journey is never alone.
God sent His Son, His ONLY Begotten Son . . . to die for me . . .  for little ol' me!
He will never leave me nor forsake me no matter how the winds of life slide me every which way.

This season of seeking simplicity, taking layers away, learning to be comfortable with myself with nothing else to distract me is so freeing.
It's too bad that it takes a windy, cold, March day to keep me right where I am.
I guess that means I am thankful for the wind.
May the wind at my back blow me into new discoveries during this season of Lent.

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