The moon pierced the darkness as light danced on snow. |
It peeks through the near-dark sky with a brilliance that draws the eye upward.
We speak in whispers so as not to disturb the tranquil stillness.
A soft dusting of snow pops the bright moonlight back up to the sky offering a delight to the senses.
Oh how I love light, especially in winter.
The moon, so often hidden behind shadows of gray, is a rare sight this time of year.
I grabbed my camera to capture the memory.
Yet, a picture only reminds me of an instant where all my senses were at work.
I saw the sparkle of the moon on snow bouncing up to the sky.
I heard the silence of tree boughs holding still.
I felt comfortable standing in the crisp, cold temperature, bundled in my winter gear.
I smelled the clean-washed air after fresh snow had fallen.
I tasted delight rushing through my soul.
The stillness spoke in volumes as night slowly enveloped us. |
Yet, just as the snow reflects the 'reflection' of the moon's light from the sun, so we were created to be a 'reflection' of God's glory working in and through us.
I ponder this thought.
Just as the MOON's bright light can only reflect the brightness of another star, so also, we are only able to be the 'bright light' to others IF we absorb that 'light' from God that was intended to fill our souls.
I need to return to this thought after I have digested a little more 'light'.
I recall so many years ago when our neighbor stopped by with his two-year old daughter as they were strolling one summer night.
The huge, full moon was coming up clear and bold before the dark sky enveloped it.
The little one, not yet chatting, simply said, "moooooon."
She had been well taught by loving parents.
She saw that round bulb slowly rising in the night sky and called it by name.
It was a magnetic moment for me.
A burrrrrrrr and blurrrrr wrapped the earth as day met evening shadows. |
From that day forth, my hubby and I, when we see the moon rising in the early night sky, say the same word, "mooooon."
We always think of her and offer a mini-prayer that she remain healthy and happy.
Thus far, our prayer for her has far surpassed our meek words.
She is thriving.
The moon seems to have a magnetic attachment to my soul.
It keeps ME thriving.
As the moon reflects its light on dusk-still snow, I also receive the gift of its reflection.
So powerful.
I see the light and soft shadows before night falls.
My still soul reflects the reflection of God's 'light' penetrating deep within me.
Words, thoughts, feelings . . . all are poured out as a reflection of what has been poured into me.
I can only reflect.
Yet, I have the capacity to reflect as boldly and as magnetically as a full moon.
When I am filled to overflowing with joy and gratitude and wonder and curiosity and excitement and . . .
I can't help but come across as being full . . . full of . . .
We were surprised last Spring with a visit from a neighbor's friends, descending near our house as hot air became cooler. |
I pray I am filled with that which God has planted inside me . . . God's Spirit . . . the reflection of God's only begotten son who walked on this earth, died and was resurrected from the dead, so that we who believe might become that perfect reflection of His work in and through us.
I can choose to be that reflection or . . .
perhaps, at times, be hot air?
I would then be like a balloon that floats in the air like the moon.
Only, unlike the moon that remains beyond our reach, the balloon filled with hot air will soon 'cool' and descend to the ground . . . totally deflated. . . empty.
Only a reflection yet so igniting |
I pray I can remain filled with God's reflection in me.
"Even the darkness is not dark to you and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to you. For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139: 12-14 NASB
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