Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's too hot to think, much less keep up with chores
Do I work or do I linger?
Do I feel a sense of accomplishment by DOING . . . or . . .
    is lingering more beneficial to my soul?
The dust piles up.
The to-do list gets longer.
I opt for soul-refreshment.

The words, 'soul-refreshment' seem to sound as cool as that stream of water I can only imagine running through my back yard.
Yes, we had a thunderstorm the other day that drenched deep.
Now we are parched again.
At least we had SOME rain.
We are doing better than most parts of this scorched earth.
Golden wheat was ready for harvest in early July.

The empty field is left to dry out for a season

I took a picture of the'Tea in a Garden' basket I created for a fund raiser.
The winner gave this to two Amish girls.
After enjoying their "Tea in a Garden," they
re-planted the flowers in their own little garden.

I look at the blooms that show off their vibrant color in the stinging sun.
The colors POP

I ponder over a path that I created around a benign herb garden.
It all looked so bland that I opted to create a "little"
brick path around each of the four quarters.
After all, the bricks were half price!
I should have left it alone but it IS much easier to get around.

Now it looks like 'legos-gone-wild.'  Oh My!
I'll re-work some of the bricks ... some day.
Right now I simply stare at it from an upstairs view.
Can you see the water hose at the bottom of the page?
That leads to a concrete stoop and entry into our shed.

 And so I sit.
Our annual drought dims the grass to parched tan.
Roses hold back their blooms.
Russian Sage loves every minute of scorching heat.
If grass can hibernate so can I.
I take my queues from God's creation.
 And so I sit as I write to whomever in the world reads this.
My soul refreshes in sharing my moments on the porch with you.
Sit down.
Join me for a spell?
Linger in this quiet moment.
 . . . feel refreshed?

This is my most favorite 'summer spot.'  It's upstairs so I can
see the whole backyard garden from here.
 My morning reading is in the basket.
The curtain by the chair blocks the morning sun.
Just tie it in the middle and I still see the garden.

A simple breakfast sits ready.
Fun herbs and plants offer quick clips for salads.
My most favorite chair in summer.

I think I will browse a bit and find interesting thoughts to ponder on other blogs.
This lingering can become a habit.
Ahhhhh, soul refreshment.

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