Time is moving too fast . . . especially since I have slowed down to a crawl and choose to linger longer in my favorite chair near the window . . .
and write reflections in my journal . . . and prepare for the classes I teach and the Lenten retreat I will lead all too soon.
My friend has this pillow on her couch. I love it. It says it all. Nest: a place of retreat |
I hide from the chill of the wind that screams outside.
We are blessed that we only hear the noise.
Very little is disturbed . . . except untended trash once in awhile.
I get the yen to plant something when I see tulip leaves cutting through soggy soil . . . too soon, I think. Perhaps they are more hearty than I imagine. If we are ever to get snow of any magnitude it would have to be this month. Yet, I don't see the temps dropping any time soon.
Tulips in a pot were given to me two years ago. I simply planted them the next Spring and they have doubled! |
Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Cilantro & Chives in clay pots are 'hung' on a little stand. |
So, I decided to plant seeds inside. Herb seeds.
It will be good to have a little green inside once they begin to rise above their hiding places in the dirt.
I poured water on these pellets and suddenly I have 'dirt.'
I then carefully pressed the seeds into this mixture, laid a tiny bit more dirt on top, watered again and . . . wait.
Each day I take the spray bottle and sprinkle to maintain the moisture level.
Can you see how the clothes pins work? Now I wait for something to happen. |
I found some clothes pins to hold the little tags I created out of construction paper . . . and then
I placed the pins, up-side-down, on the edge of each pot.
Voila! ... I will now know what is growing . . . or not growing . . . as the case may be.
The need to grow . . . life . . . God's natural rhythm is to grow . . . us . . . just as plants grow. 'Remember, that we are dust(dirt) and to dust(dirt) we shall return.' We must die before we can live . . . as the Apostle Paul says, "To live is Christ and to die is gain." May we see ourselves in these little seeds . . . growing only when nurtured and loved and encouraged to live.
After just a few days I see life! Unfortunately, even with my elbows on a solid surface, my little 'point and shoot' camera could not remain steady |
At least you get the idea. Now to remain vigilant. |
When I garden, I often think about how Paul wrote, that one plants, one waters, but only God brings the harvest. I think, "I can plant and water, but only God makes things grow." Amazing, really. And true in so many areas of life.