Flags fly as we celebrate the birth of our nation, our Home Sweet Home.
Picnics in parks continue, well- spaced, masks on.
Parades and fireworks have been sparse.
For the most part, July festivities remain in our imagination as we continue to sequester.
Tunes and slogans come to mind as I see flags wave from neighbors’ homes.
“God bless America, land that I love. . . .”
I recall fond memories of Kate Smith in her long sleeved, beautifully draped black dress singing this simple hymn. She was an American icon, anticipated at the annual July 4th celebration at our nation’s capitol. Why did we expect the annual appearance of Kate Smith? It seemed almost corny because it is the only song we remember from her. Yet, we DO remember her. We do remember the song . . . and the words.
“Stand beside her and guide her, through the night with the Light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam; God bless America, my home sweet home. . . . God Bless America, my Home Sweet Home!”
If, indeed, we read every inscription on our national monuments, we find that, indeed, America is Home to millions who seek God is our guide.
Our ancestors fled to this nation with empty pockets yet they were filled full with hope.
They sought the same freedom, under God, that our founders sought.
They eventually tore free of crippling taxes, massive food shortages or oppressive demands across the sea and forged a new life in this incredible Land filled with opportunity.
Only through hard work, assimilating with American culture, learning our common language and persevering through daily challenges, would we, as a nation, thrive.
Coming to America is no utopia.
We are all a wonderful mish-mash of immigrants unless we come from a native American tribe. Our families share memories of harsh lives in other countries that forced our ancestors to flee. These stories have become a dim recollection to current generations.
Only by learning world history over the centuries could anyone truly stand in awe of the wealth of opportunity, free education, the freedom to worship along with many other benefits this nation offers.
“God Bless America” . . . even though we do not deserve God’s blessing. We have turned our back on God in the same way the Israelites turned their back on Him as they wandered in the desert. Moses, time and again, called upon God’s grace to ‘rescue’ His wayward sheep.
We are no different today.
We’ve wandered from God’s loving grace and turned away from God’s gaze as we seek our own path to ‘fulfillment.’
We’ve become so myopic regarding our own needs, wants and expectations that we’ve forgotten to give thanks, to the One who provides us with our many blessings.
Yet, God continues to bless us beyond measure.
“Land that I love” . . . that we all love enough to remain here. No one keeps us within these parameters of the United States of America. We could live in Mexico or Canada.
We could cross the sea in any direction and live in another country.
Yet, with all our complaining, we must love this land more than any other.
We’ve roots here.
We have generations of memories.
We have the opportunity to honor our Lord with praise and thanksgiving.
Because of God’s blessings over this land that we love, we remain here.
We should love where we live, warts and all.
This land is far from perfect and has much that needs to be reconciled but God gave us the ability to draw upon our mind and soul and wisdom to keep moving forward with focus and perseverance.
We, who call ourselves Christians, are called to be a channel of God’s love.
We can talk to God, daily, and ask God to provide the healing needed for this nation.
We are called to listen to God and share God’s loving word with others.
In doing so, we become channels of God’s love.
“Stand beside her and guide her through the night, with the light from above!”
As we stand beside one person at a time and guide one person at a time into the loving arms of the Lord, we stand beside our nation and guide our nation.
Yet, are we praying daily?
Are we beseeching the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to guide us?
Are we, as Christians, aware of the Light of Christ that leads us through the dark nights?
Or, are we like spoiled brats who have been given far too many sweets before dinner so that we no longer choose to digest that which may be bitter but which may also fortify us to remain strong?
We think we deserve sweetness and all things beautiful to remain permanently within our reach at all times.
After all, we work hard to have the ‘good’ life.
What other nation provides so much freedom while asking so little in return?
We are the ones to guide this nation, right where we are, by encouraging those in our sphere of influence.
Listening, praying together, asking God to come into the midst of every challenge should be the common process for each of us.
We are the ones to invite grumblers into conversation and listen to all sides of each quandary. We are the ones to be encouragers, even with the most negative people.
We are called to give our concerns to God in prayer and then listen for direction.
We are called to stand beside one another through the darkest and roughest moments as God’s Light shines into our hearts and souls to direct our path.
We should be proud to be called Americans.
We are called to be ‘ONE’, a team, with a sense of purpose, focused on the path that enables each of us to be the best according to our abilities.
Unless a path leads directly away from God’s best for us, each has its value.
“From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam, God bless America my Home sweet home!”
Just think of this vast land with the grand variety of tundra and climate and population and beauty it provides for all of us within it’s parameter.
We can move anywhere in this great nation that we wish.
We can live in a bustling city or in the vast desert or the endless farmland available to any who choose.
Determination, hard work, creativity or whatever it takes to find a place called ‘home’ is up to us.
Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much so that the next generation can be a little more comfortable.
Are we too comfortable?
As a whole we may be.
Yet, God has so BLESSED this fine country that, even if we must struggle here and there, we are far more free, far more able to seek our dreams than ever before.
I know I have been deeply blessed even during challenging moments in my life.
I pray that all who seek God know this.
After all, it is God who has provided so many blessings.
God Bless America, OUR Home Sweet Home!
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