It is suppose to be HOT!
I am sitting on my little porch, wearing a light jacket, as the gusts of wind sweep my papers off the table every few minutes.
This has been the weirdest summer we have had in the four years we have been here.
All good.
We've had loads of rain so I have yet to water the garden.
It was HOT -HOT-HOT for two to three weeks to remind me why we moved here from the tropics of Florida.
Then, almost suddenly, cool temperatures brought us back to more 'normal' days.
The rains come late in the day or early before we wake.
Each day I pluck my Day-lilies or trim my herbs or pick Japanese beetles from my rose blooms.
I flick them into a jar of soapy water.
I have spent most of the summer doing odd things.
I am trying to finish all my little projects and clean out cupboards because . . .
. . . because . . . I begin a new job next week.
After four years of helping a variety of churches in numerous ways, we will now go to the same church each week.
I'll be able to 'hang my hat' so to speak, and not cart all my 'stuff' to a new place every few weeks.
I finished a very long study in Proverbs 31:10-31.
It took over a year to write the blog notes.
Go to Women of Worth Ministries and look for the blog notes beginning with June 10, 2012.
Take your time reading them.
I hope it won't take you a year to digest but linger a little while with each entry.
Explore, ask, wonder . . . Does any phrase or story apply to you?
I have been using this as a study tool with Women of Worth Ministries as I work with women of all denominations in our community to affirm each of us that we truly are Women of Worth!
I also cleaned out closets.
We have moved so many times that one would think we have little left.
We purge each time we move.
Yet, papers and books and clothing seem to accumulate before our eyes.
We make a trip to our local 'mission' store that takes our lovely prizes and sells them or gives them away to the needy.
It is run by volunteers and all money they earn is used to help the needy.
So, I feel good when I give away items that are nearly new that I never needed in the first place.
I am getting better at this.
The less I purchase, the less I have.
The less I have, the less 'stuff' I accumulate.
It's amazing what cool weather will prompt.
I seem to have energy to create some luscious meals of home grown, or next-door-farmer-grown, produce.
I don't think we have eaten so much fruit or such a variety of vegetables as we have this summer.
Even the early corn has been delicious.
Speaking of corn, field upon filed is brimming with the stuff . . . eight feet high and growing!
I have never seen so much corn.
No matter how many pigs and cows are around here and no matter how many products we consume that consist of corn, there is no way all that corn can be used for consumption unless much of it will go for ethanol.
Silly me.
I thought the 'powers that be' realized how futile growing corn for ethanol is compared to the natural energy we already have. We could be sending our extra corn to third world countries or refugee camps so that people do not starve.
I am getting off track.
I am suppose to be chatting about Glorious Cool!
And so I rejoice in God's great gift of summer weather and linger as long as I can on my back porch or in our yard with butterflies and beauty and the cool breeze.
All too soon it will be time to start my new job . . . which will keep me from lingering outside as long as I would like.
But, that's OK.
It's just nice to enjoy Glorious Cool!
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