The past week has been busy as we celebrate the holiest week of the year.
I marvel at these bronze tabernacle doors
as I recall the washing of feet
and celebration of the Last Supper
as our Jewish friends celebrate the Seder Feast for Passover.
The endless stories I see in these faces.
Then "Good Friday"
I always murmur, "What's so good about it" when I listen to the story
of the gruesome crucifixion. Yet, Jesus offered Himself as the very last
sacrifice for all our sins ... everyone's sins.
His horrible death on a Cross enables any and all of us
new life for our soul,
when we give ourselves to God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
The Rose, Mary, carried Jesus within herself and then
watched the horrible death of her son.
She carried him, walked with him and part of herself
went to the Cross with him.
I wonder in my heart if I could ever be so strong
and selfless as Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ,
The mother of God in Christ.
The mother of God.
And then . . . after a time of emptiness . . . came resurrected life.
The Disciples saw the empty tomb and experienced the presence of Jesus, the Christ, in a new way.
And Jesus walked among those who had walked with him before his death on a cross.
He reminded his followers that by believing in the One whom God sent to us in the form of a
man, Jesus the Christ, we also will have eternal life.
Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God.
Jesus walked among the garden of followers who renewed their faith in Him.
They saw resurrected life right in front of their eyes.
Jesus walked among them for forty days
breathing new life into them.
New life is like this garden.
It blooms wildly
with purpose.
As I walk through this place of beauty I think of the new ways I see things now.
I try to digest all I see in the garden in the same way I try to digest God's Word.
Each word uttered is to be chewed on, meditated upon, planted in the heart.
As I listen and look, I see new points of beauty in God's creation.
Human creativity, given to us by God, adds to God's natural beauty.
And God SAID . . .
and it came into being . . .
and it was good.
As I walk along the endless paths of foliage I am amazed
how a small seed or a tiny branch, when given tender care,
can BLOOM into such beauty.
That is what my life in Christ is like.
When I let God in Christ take my tiny seedlings of creativity,
when I hand them over to Him to help me grow them,
Some seeds take time . . . too much time for my lack of patience.
But if I remain focused on God's love and grace for me
and let God help me through the muddle of things,
I bloom with new life!
As I meditate on scripture I am reminded to remain right where I am.
Jesus Christ died but came alive!
He wants me to die to my pre-conceived ideas about how life should be and simply
Live today . . . in the precious present . . . letting God's creation envelope me.
ENJOY renewed JOY!
As I sit in new spaces I am nudged to simply bloom right where I am today.
Why would I want more than this?
Yes, it was simply a moment in my life when I drank in the beauty of the tropics,
But, isn't that life?
It's those moments, those precious moments of beauty, that catch us and hold us . . .
for as long as we choose to remember them.
It's the remembering that holds us in the palm of God's hand.
Can I remember God's sacrifice, once for all, that I might live eternally?
I just need to hang on, like this tropical fruit.
As I bloom and grow bigger and stronger in my spirit . . .
I want to let go.
But, if I just hang on to the 'vine', the One giving me
all that I need to bloom, I will grow lush and
fragrant and have the ability to spawn new life.
And maybe . . .
my blooming will spawn seeds that are planted elsewhere . . .
and new fruit blooms
and does the same.
And it becomes like this waterfall.
God's love overflows and sweeps through new places.
Oh to bloom where I am . . .
and be patient . . .
and follow God's plan . . .
and plant seeds that grow new life . . .
and let God's grace in these seeds flow in abundance . . .
in God's timing.
It's all in God's timing.
He died at the chosen time
so that I might live,
and have NEW LIFE
in the same way as a garden
brings forth new life.
The caterpillar dies back in its cocoon so that new life can be born into a butterfly that freely flits about drinking from the fruit of the garden. Oh to be a butterfly! |