Saturday, March 16, 2013


I guess I lingered too long after I went South for a few weeks in February.
I loved this shot of the ship on the weathervane.
It's been a MONTH since I last wrote!
Time flies when waaaaaaaay too busy.

My sweet hubby sends me South each year so that I can warm my bones.
He loves the cold winter days so remains at home.
This was an extra long time of separation for both of us but he insisted that I spend ample time warming up.

Of course I arrived in the midst of a COLD rain storm.
It took several days to warm up but when it did, I was in LOVE with the weather.
Light pants, my baseball cap and my T-shirt were all I needed.
I was in heaven.

Lots of these huge homes.  Love 'em all.
This reminds me of a huge, pink house I loved
when I lived in Aspen, Colorado many years ago.
I jaunted forth for the 'visits' which I wrote about last time.
Then I returned to dad's abode to begin closing it down.
The weather cooled down to the point where I needed to wear several layers.
Red Tide kept me away from the beach.
These 'circumstances' allowed me to clear away thirty years of winter living at dad's condo.

Dad decided, after receiving a pacemaker at 98, that it was not good to be alone for the winter months he spends in Florida.
Dad opted to return to his favorite city up North and stay inside until the harsh winter weather turns to Spring.

I couldn't help taking a shot of the condo (backwards)
as I captured myself in the mirror.  Notice the layers
 of clothes I wore INSIDE!
 It was great 'working' weather.
He is much healthier now as loving caretakers make sure his every need is met.

He is especially excited to have others do the cooking for him.
Needless to say, dad is gaining weight.
He still does his workout after breakfast and lunch and manages to read the Wall Street Journal daily.  What a guy.

And so I cleaned and patched and painted and caulked his condo and gave as much to family as they chose.

Most important, I managed to see friends and family.

I squeezed in dinner and lunch with friends as well as gatherings and chat over coffee.

I took time to visit old haunts and was warmly welcomed at the two churches where I was employed.

This reconnection boosted my spirit and warmed my heart with memories that will forever remind me of the twelve years we lived in the area.

This lingering time will keep me content up north until summer pierces through chilly winter days.

Ibis feed in the yard after a day of drizzle.
Time was too short to do everything on my list.
But, the condo looks sparkly fresh.

And so I lingered on the beach on a day the Red Tide did not aggravate my lungs too much.

No swimsuits this day but the warm sun melted away much of the chilly air.

I watched others, smiled at frantic birds, soaked in the sea air and breathed as deeply as I dared.


A German family walked over to the beach ahead
of me.  I loved the little girl who frolicked in the
 sand on this chilly day.   Red Tide was not too bad.

Tracks in the sand.  I love shells but this was even better.

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