Our small community flies the Flag all year. This was take during the only snow storm we had all year. |
From Memorial Day through Labor Day I put out all items that look anything like a flag.
I have always been a 'red, white and blue' person, forever aware of the awesome freedom we have been given . . .
to be who we want to be . . .
to work at the job we choose . . .
to gain FREE education, at least through 12th grade, if we choose to apply ourselves,
to worship as we choose . . . without the government mandating that which is against our religious beliefs.
One of the main reasons we adhere to a great Constitution is our freedom of separation of church and state.
Our government does not mandate how or when, or to whom, we are to worship.
That is what we fought for . . . why our FLAG was created . . . to separate us from 'kings' that told us how, or not, to worship God.
Employers can mandate what employees can and cannot do in the workplace. It is a private business. In that case, the 'state' cannot mandate what employers must or must not do regarding religion . . . or can they?
Each morning about five homes on our block make sure the flag is flying daily. It is amazing how early some get up as someone always has theirs up before us. |
The Flag says so much.
Flowers seem to capture the essence of what I try to express. They last all summer! |
In the middle of the garden lies a 'flag'. This one seems impervious to rain storms. |
As we all know, freedom is never free.
That is why we send soldiers to fight wars, endless wars, centuries of wars.
Thousands of lives have been lost to uphold this gift of freedom.
That's a steep price to pay.
That is why people are willing to wait years to legally immigrate to the United States.
Freedom gets sticky.
Yet, we have the freedom to challenge our government.
We have a say.
We not only have the FREEDOM to vote,
we must take this responsibility seriously.
Too often we become disillusioned with the way our country, our state or our county is being governed.
Nothing will change if we do not VOTE!
So, FLY THE FLAG and be proud that we are in this incredible country . . . and VOTE!
I put this up for the summer. |
My neighbor makes these wooden flags. Theirs sits out all winter. I will see how mine looks in a year. Old, worn ... like our freedom. |
My flag basket, so weathered, greets guests. Vilkommen ... Welcome. |
This is just a few of the many 'flag' items you will see throughout the summer.
One accumulates a lot of flag ideas in a lifetime.
I am proud of my heritage and the wonderful 'mix' of individuals from all over the world who reside in this United States of America.
I bet you are too.
Show it.
I encourage you to fly the flag as often as is possible . . .
or plant a few little Flags in a pot and put it by your entrance.
Flags won't wilt and might be quite inviting for visitors.
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