“We gather together to ask the lord’s blessings . . . “
It’s a very old tune that was part of my annual e-card I sent to family for Thanksgiving Day.
November seems to be a transition month between the golden - red colors of Fall and the chill winds of Winter.
It’s our month to migrate to the southern part of the U.S.
This tropical climate usually does not cool until January but we have been blessed to linger a little longer these brisk mornings before we take our early walk.
As we look at this year, and our life as a whole, we acknowledge God’s endless blessings every single day.
I am dumbstruck by daily surprises that lift my soul.
Hubby and I laugh out loud most days as we rejoice in one more surprise that points our thoughts beyond ourselves.
I often ask myself why we feel such a sense of gratitude.
My inward response is that we choose a positive attitude.
Daily I am inundated with grave prayer concerns.
My heart skips a beat as I read the list.
Our own aches and pains diminish quickly as we pray for others.
We are healthy for the most part and have been able to navigate Covid19 and meet weekly needs.
Of course, Zoom has been a total blessing for classes and meetings.
We choose to keep moving forward no matter what headline might stop others from getting fresh air, worshipping in community and serving others when called to do so.
There have been may ‘rainy’ days if I look backward. Yet, at the time we managed to wade through the mud with body, mind and soul well in tact. I marvel that we have never made much money yet we are able to pay bills and retain a ‘rainy day’ fund that we have yet to use.
We live simply but we never feel we lack anything.
Again, our attitude seems to carry us through some pretty tight spots.
I’m big on planning for the worst, living in the present, and rejoicing that we have yet to be faced with the ‘worst.’
Of course, we can evaluate what ‘the worst’ might be.
As long as I am breathing I have not been through ‘the worst.’
Yet, even in dying, I only think of what I might miss if I leave hubby and friends.
I know I’ll be in the presence of the Most Holy One rejoicing with the Angels. That does not seem like ‘the worst’ to me.
As I linger in my ‘November’ years I do find myself assessing the contention of my soul.
Doctors are good at assessing the condition of my body and informing me of the next steps.
However, it’s up to me to do the daily work that gives strength to my soul and direction to my day.
It’s up to me to retain the disciplines that keep my mind, body and soul healthy.
It’s up to me to walk briskly every morning, breathe deep and embrace nature.
It’s up to me to ponder words from God that fill my soul with God’s presence and with admonitions as to how to rejoice always.
It’s up to me to take time to quiet my spirit and simply listen, wait, and listen some more.
It’s up to me to trust that my periods of stillness and silence will quiet my spirit, fill my mind with creativity, and enable me to move forward each day with a plan to serve the Lord with gladness.
Prayer swarms through me daily.
Listening is part of prayer.
Talking is the other part.
The Lord and I have a wonderful ‘listen-talk’ relationship.
Usually God listens and I talk.
I have to work hard to turn this around.
It depends on the day.
It’s up to me to choose the way I want to live.
I made that choice 40+ years ago.
I share the words of Joshua: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” . . . I add, “With Gladness.”
Each day is a choice.
I may feel deeply hurt or I might feel like I am slogging through mud or I may not know what I am suppose to do some days.
That’s when I stop.
I breathe.
I take it easy and quiet my soul with inspirational words, soft music, a cup of steaming tea and a scone .
After all, it’s November, a transition month.
I choose to focus on gratitude for all the blessings of the past months. and give thanks for all that will transpire in the future.
After all,
God is good
Life is good
I am good. . . . and grateful . . . and filled with Thanks - Giving for all that has thus far transpired in my life.
How about you?