Do you remember a time in your life when everything seemed topsy?
When ‘right-side-up’ seemed like up-side-down?
When you could not articulate the constant swirling in your soul?
When life lived in fullness seemed too far away to connect?
This August, life around me seems topsy.
Up is down.
Yes is ‘no’.
In is out.
ReJOYce is reversed, turned around, skewed.
Indeed I rejoice daily but then I read the paper or listen to the news or receive a devastating prayer request.
My heart skips a beat.
The world is so crazy!Is there no one left in this world who thinks beyond personal gain?
Is satan taking vulnerable people and twisting their souls until dead? Where is the logic?
Where is the step-by-step pondering over difficult situations?
Is there no hint or sign that things could be otherwise?
Is each day so spontaneous that there is no forethought regarding solutions to years-long problems or suggestions for better health before catastrophe happens?
August is a time to linger in the shade with a glass of Ice Tea.
It’s a time to lazily read a book if there is time to spare each day.
It’s a month that signals the coming of another school or church year.
It’s a time to plan, prepare, move ahead of the curve so that we are ready for another great season of being, of learning, of rejoicing with others.
After all, being in community is important to most of us.
How we linger with one another can either be spontaneous or scheduled with well planned opportunities.
August is one of my favorite months because hubby and I take one day at a time.
If the weather is good we may take a day trip.
If it is too hot, we eat ice cream.
If we want to be lazy we give ourselves permission to do so.
On the other hand, it is also a time for me to think of all I’d like to accomplish when the air is cooler, when more people have settled back home after vacation or when most schedules are being set for the coming year.
I love learning and teaching.
Therefore, I must think ahead: Specific dates and times for classes, resources needed to complete the goals that I set, contingency plans so we leave no one stranded if times and events change.
Planning ahead is part of our daily lives.
One adage I live by is, “Make a structured plan and then feel free to deviate from it.”
It’s sort of like building a house.
We dream of decor or the finest kitchen but if the house foundation is faulty, all will collapse.
Life is that way.
If we move through life with little ‘form’ to our days, we may feel like we’ve accomplished nothing even though simply being awake and breathing is truly an accomplishment some days.
However, if we formulate a plan and create simple habits we most likely will have a sense of stability, a strong foundation.
For instance, each morning I choose to accomplish tasks within a two-hour period. No matter when I wake up, I focus on these tasks.
First, I tidy up the bedroom and brush my teeth.
Second, I put on comfy clothes for 30 minutes of exercise. This could be a swift walk in the neighborhood or cardio on my glider. This exercise is not an option but a necessity to maintain my health.
Third, I fix my own breakfast that is simple and specific. [Hubby has already enjoyed his so we later share a mid-morning time of oatmeal and meditations.]
Fourth, I study scripture, read from a theological book and dive into prayer, not necessarily in that order. Often I begin while I am sipping my early morning tea. Then I take more time to linger over a variety of options. I love to study so I have to watch my time.
Fifth, I clean up and dress for the day which could be running errands, a meeting on Zoom, an adventure with hubby, addressing specific chores or ‘all of the above’.
On gardening days this step may be moved far beyond my “two hours.” Gardening days are my JOY. I can linger in dirt for hours.
Why is my morning so structured?
Because I have tried to move these habits to another part of the day and I have failed miserably.
If I do not accomplish the basics in the morning I might as well forget it. Some days are like that. I get up too late or have an early morning meeting.
When I break a habit, even when I cannot help it, I feel a bit topsy, a bit up-side-down.
When the world spins about me in what I perceive to be total chaos, these habits keep me grounded, focused, grateful and joy-filled.
These habits are part of my foundation, just like that of a little house. When built strong my inner foundation stands firm even when storms blow hard around me.
Ahhh, August.
I’ve been slacking off a bit this summer.
It’s a time to get back into those habits that ground both body and soul.
It’s time to linger a little longer doing the things I love to do.
It’s a time to rejoice in the fact that I crave my little schedule of habits knowing that I am solidly grounded as the Lord leads me.
There is a passage of scripture that I have loved for years from Philippians 4:11-13 “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being filled and of going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
As I retain my foundation of good habits, I am strengthened for any circumstance and know intimately the One who strengthens me.
Ahhh, August
Ahhh, Life
Ahhh, the Breath of life for both soul and body in these crazy times
Ahhh, My God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Ahhh, Grateful
Ahhh, Rejoice !!!