Monday, March 29, 2021



March winds blow hard and cold up north but drive away unwanted bugs and clear the air down here in the Florida tropics 

Sunny days, not too hot, enable us to march forth each morning and evening as we follow dozens of others on a daily brisk walk.

We have also been ‘marching’ through Lent.

This is a time I am reminded of my vulnerability, of the ease of falling into the abyss of darkness if I focus on my own selfishness for too long.  On one hand I find it beneficial to take good care of myself, to eat well and exercise, to enjoy new adventures that stimulate the mind and linger just a little longer in small indulgences.

It’s all good if I also take time to focus on others’ needs and serve others as God directs.  I have had little time to sequester and bask in the luxury of self-indulgence this winter season.  I have been happily employed during a time when so many need special attention.  A phone call, a special class open to any and all, leading others into God’s presence a few times each week and taking care to pamper my hubby a few minutes each day draws me into the Lord’s arms early each day.

The more time I take to linger with God, the more discernment I am given to maintain a balanced day.  Lent should be a time of emptying out, of finding huge gaps each day to simply ‘be.’  I do find gaps to ‘be’ but I also feel the crush of so many challenges that others carry.  Certain death with a brain tumor, the slow struggle of ALS, a dying mother with two small children, an aging parent whose kids are too far away to visit.

I am blessed with teams of volunteers who are present when needed. 

I am blessed with the ability to pray daily along with dozens of others.

I am blessed with just enough time to accomplish what I am suppose to and then leave the rest for another day.

I am blessed with a JOY I feel when I awake each day and lingers until I my head hits the pillow at night.

I am blessed that these forty days we set aside to linger in the emptiness of desert time, as Jesus did, enable me to maintain a healthy life balance.  March keeps marching along, as do all the months this past year.  I love the pace.  

I love knowing that every minute of each day counts for something, especially when I linger on our evening walk when I see the full moon sitting on the horizon like a glowing beachball.

I linger as I freeze in place, staring at the Giant Egret in our back yard.  

I linger by the lake as swift breezes swirl through my graying hair.  

I linger over words that touch my soul each day and fill me with a glow deep inside.  

I make sure I linger a little longer during Lent as I feed on God’s goodness.  By repeating habits that remind me of God’s forever guiding presence, I look forward to moving beyond Lent with the same need to linger a little longer in these good spaces.

March is just another month but a good month to remind myself of the incredible life I continue to lead.  My hubby encourages me and prays with and for me each day.  We make time to enjoy special moments every day, even on my most busy days.  I’m in the best place I can be which is here . . . and now . . . lingering in the precious presence of wonderful people and walking with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And now we enter a week of quiet meditation.

Few meetings.

Much prayer and reflection.

Haunting reminders of Jesus’ death on the Cross.

He became the ultimate blood sacrifice to cover the sin of those who seek to be one with God, who seek salvation, who seek a renewed life.

And so I write and read and linger over words that fly from my heart.

These words I will share with others who come to hear and know and believe that, “If we share with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we shall be saved.”

May we each linger a little longer this Holy Week and seek more of God’s precious presence in our lives.  

Just linger.


Breathe deep.

See what happens deep within your soul as our marching through March turns to lingering during this end of Lent.