This a reflection was given to a group studying the Beatitudes, Matthew 5,6,7. EnJOY!
Although you are unable to close your eyes, find a comfortable position in your chair and imagine where these words take you.
Make sure you are in a quiet place with no distractions.
Visualize . . . wander with me as I share words that hopefully will enhance your sense of BEING.
God created us in His image . . . human beings . . . not human doings. Time and space was created just for us . . . to BE . . . to breathe in the pace of life, one step at a time, to take a time out once in awhile in order to enhance our attitude according to what God created us to be.
Imagine that you choose to spend time alone with God.
You select a lovely knoll next to a stream under a large tree that provides protection from the sun.
It’s a beautiful sunny day with just enough breeze to enhance the balmy temperature. You have allowed two-hours to linger unimpeded by unnecessary distractions.
You have taken nothing with you: no phone, no bible, nothing to write on or write with. You are well fed, well watered, well-emptied and ready to simply BE.
You have only the very comfortable outfit you are wearing and a large, thick, waterproof mat to sit upon.
The mat fabric feels soothing to bare feet.
If you doze off for a few moments or the full two hours, you must need the rest.
You can select another time for your two hours with the Lord.
Remember, you are sitting on a beautiful knoll where you can see far and wide.
A brook, with rocks, nooks and crannies, softly trickles beside you.
Trees, large and small, rustle their leaves.
It’s you and this beautiful natural setting.
It’s just you and the Lord taking some time together to simply BE.
After you look around for a few minutes and drink in the simple wonders of nature, what then? What do you do for the next two hours?
What would your attitude be after about 15 minutes, then 45 or after One hour much less two?
My guess is that for the first 15-30 minutes our well-being will be high on the charts. Our body would relax, we’d smell the fresh air, taste a sense of freedom from
our to-do lists, and bask in the luxury of finding time to mellow out and listen to the brook, the chirping birds, frogs, crickets, the whistle of the breeze or whatever else surrounds us.
Our eyes might try to define cloud shapes or we might count the trees and notice the vibrant colors of grass, wild flowers, leaf shapes, tree bark, or the sparkling water that hits small rocks as it slowly moves along.
The next 30 minutes might prompt us mentally to go through our prayer list: the names of all those we usually pray for daily or weekly.
Of course this would include our own needs.
It’s a perfect time to ‘unload’ with the Lord.
In fact, while praying for others, many of our own needs
may well be addressed. Remember, we cannot hear what the Lord says to us if we feel turmoil within us.
We cannot love our neighbor until we understand the Lord’s deep love for US.
We cannot understand the Lord’s deep love for us until we leave our burdens at the foot of the Cross, linger with Him and let go of our own concerns.
In so doing, our attitude should be greatly enhanced and we may feel like we are floating on those clouds we see passing by above us.
After about an hour and a half, we should be ready to do the hard work with the Lord. In fact, we cannot ‘Do’ our best job as Christians if we do not gain that sense of simply Being well with the Lord . . . Well Being.
The hard work is to WAIT in the Lord’s presence and LISTEN for the Lord’s direction, affirmation or whatever the Lord whispers into our heart.
Now just SIT THERE . . .
WAIT. . .
BE still . . .
KNOW the Lord is with you . . .
WAIT for presence of the I AM to envelop you.
What is your attitude now?
How is your sense of well being?
This exercise is one way to develop your own
May you feel refreshed after this imaginary 2 hours.
May you initiate 2 hours of ‘Being’ with the Lord as often as is possible.