It's a beautiful thing.
The complexity of a spider's web is nothing compared to the beautiful mind of God's human creation. |
I assume my legs will work and my hands and eyes as well as all the functions of my body.
I don't even count breathing which is paramount to life.
One can live without the use of many body parts but one cannot function without the mind.
And so I move along as if I am fully in control of my life.
How little do I know?
I decide to make something special for hubby.
I concentrate hard on removing an apple core to make a baked apple.
There is a 'law' of motion that I know well.
An innocent counter, lots of apples, one wrong move. |
Well, my arm pulled back with great force as my head hit our Quartz counter.
The instant I hit I knew I'd have a bump.
A little ice, a quiet moment, all is well . . . or so I thought.
The next day I lead a meeting and miss some important information.
The following day I try to bend over to pick weeds in the garden but I see stars.
My brain felt like this water trough at Wintertur Gardens. It felt like water splashing forth from tight parameters. |
The day after that I am at another meeting and I think I see someone leaving who is sitting right in front of me.
Others notice the faux pas.
One of them calls me the next day.
"Get ye to the doctor!"
Oh, the mind is a beautiful thing, too beautiful to ignore.
CAT scan with contrast.
Something weird is found.
All is well. It's an anomaly that may have been there from birth.
Days of going back and forth to various doctors finds no bleeding in the brain.
Our bushes are turning wild HOT red. My brain feels hot-red when I use it too much. |
Hot spots in my head,
throb, throb,
tired mind after just a few hours.
"Just stop thinking too much," says my doctor.
We both laugh out loud.
But, since I had no other choice, I did take the opportunity to slow down,
I lingered in the garden more (but I did not touch all those weeds).
I enjoyed wonderful drives among the fields being harvested as hubby shepherded me about.
I sat quietly and took time to notice how I breathe.
I became more focused on how my brain works automatically to keep me alive.
I continue this practice well after I am healed.
The brain is so strong.
These small patches of glory invite me to linger. I so love my garden in the Fall It blooms wildly this 'indian sumer.' |
In a moment, thoughts become scrambled.
I am blessed to be feeling stronger mentally.
I am blessed to be alive!
Last week I told others how to have the 'Mind of Christ' as the Apostle Paul relates to us in the book of Philippians.
I need to remember that God created my mind when He created creation and the ability for creation to create.
I was made in His image.
My mind was made to commune with the Father, through His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God gave me the gift to use my mind creatively.
God gave me a well functioning autonomic system.
St. Francis day is almost here. He understood the need for daily celebration of God's Creation. . . the beautiful mind. |
Then I can ponder what it means to have the mind of Christ:
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, mercy, forgiveness and so much more.
That is a LOT to think about.
Oh what a beautiful mind.
I praise God that I still have good use of it for now.
Each day is a gift for the mind to grasp.
I linger on that thought as I sit on my porch and let my mind
unwind, slow down, rest.