Thursday, January 26, 2017


I begin anew with thoughts from turning points in our journey with Christ Jesus throughout the year.

Epiphany, Baptism of Our Lord: 
               A New Beginning, a New Blessing

Each year we are blessed with the opportunity for a new beginning.  
Each year we remind ourselves that we will be better than last year or do better or have better.  
Hope lingers before us as we continue our journey in Christ, as we add one more chapter to our life story.

The story. 
I love the stories that give us hope, that draw us closer to God in Christ. 
I can hear the stories a kazillion times and they never grow dull or dim.  It’s like the child who says, “read it again” when we’ve read it too many times to count.  
For some reason it is still fresh and new and dazzles the little one’s imagination.

This year we have little time to linger over the Epiphany story or the story of the Baptism of Jesus because they are joined together on a Sunday when space and time are in God’s hands, not ours. 

It’s just a blip on the radar, or so it seems.
Let’s think about it.  
The Magi seek the blessing of a king they have yearned for and are bold enough to seek that king.  
On their own initiative they plan, prepare and travel too many miles to count for this blessing.  
Whatever their motive for seeking this little toddler of a king, they are drawn to Jesus.

They come prepared to give and are overwhelmingly blessed.  The blessing is far greater than any treasure they could bring to this infant King of kings and Lord of lords.  
The glory of the Lord embraced them so fully that they connected with the God of righteousness personally.  
You might say they were the first Christ-followers.  
The Magi returned home, so far away, to share the Gospel of our Lord beyond the reaches of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.  

Fast forward 25-30 years and we observe another incredible blessing.  Jesus begins his ministry with an act of righteousness although he is without sin.  
Hundreds are there, at the Jordan, to receive the blessing of baptism from John as they renew their walk with God.  
What an incredible blessing to be present when the full Presence of God envelopes them.  
The minute Jesus rises up from the water the clouds open up, a thunderous voice is heard by all and the Spirit, like a dove, falls and remains on Jesus.

“This is my Son, My beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”  
What an incredible introduction to ministry.  What an amazing blessing to experience. 
What a way for Jesus to gain an instant following.  
What an endorsement!  
When God speaks, we listen.

I wonder . . . God could have whispered His affirmation in Jesus’ ear.  
But these words were meant for us.  
“This is my son, this is my daughter, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”  
The blessing was meant for all of us.

If we continue to go deeper in our walk, seek more from each story, ponder God’s word a little more each day, the blessings will be exponential.
May we be blessed by this blessing that can go over your doorway on the inside of your home so that you remember God’s incredible blessings that fall upon us daily.

Write this, in chalk, above your doorway as a reminder of God's blessing.  
You can also type it out on paper and paste it over your door: 20 + C + M + B + 17
The year is divided and placed at each end.  
The initials for Casper, Melchior and Balthazar 
(the three wise men) is placed in the middle.
While placing the blessing above the doorway of your home,
say, "May all who come to our home this year rejoice to find Christ living among us; and may we seek and serve Christ in everyone we meet. Amen. "

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