Friday, October 31, 2014


These stands are by the side of the road everywhere we drive.
Summer has turned to Fall ever-so-slowly.  In fact, I think this Fall has been even better than summer.

October was warm and invited us into the gardens for one last linger on so many sunny days.
Fields brought forth lavish crops which have finally been harvested.

Just the right amount of rain and cool and day and night and . . . everything . . .  made blooms abundant and brilliant.

I don't want the days getting shorter and the cool air creeping in a bit more each day but it is inevitable.

Alas, we are in the midst of a beautiful time of year that I do not want to change.
I finally made time to take pictures so that others can see what we have enjoyed this month.

Our favorite place to visit is the children's barn.  These kids are
very serious about loading and unloading reams of corn kernels.
Our local Farm Show at the beginning of the month was so warm that the line for home made shakes was longer than the line for hot food.

I love pigs.  Don't know why.
All they do is sleep and eat and dig with their snouts.  
Needless to say, we lingered longer than usual in the many barns filled with a variety of bunnies, chickens, animals and exhibits of all kinds.

We missed the sheep shearing contest but it was nice to see these
curious gems all clean and ready for selling.
We wandered in and out and lingered with the children whenever we could.

Hubby and I have lived in cities all over the United States so being in farm country has been filled with new surprises.  The smells, the sounds and the wonder of God's creation surrounded us as we scuffed through wood shavings, stepped over hay bales and sauntered from one barn to the next.

Lots of little chickens and hens but this rooster was making himself
known in the community.  Who ever said the Cock crows in the morning
never met this vibrant rooster.  He sure is a beauty.

We are learning so much from our neighbor farmers.  I love the city and I love the country.
Each brings its own gifts to nourish my soul.
Speaking of chickens, I couldn't resist.
We were almost home (behind that stand of trees in the background)
when I took this picture.  It's hard to see but this is a second chicken
house in the process of being built.  This place is the main source of
eggs for our county and beyond.

Mama slept while 17 little piglets wandered around and drank
their fill when they were hungry.  These piglets are three days old.

The best part of the farm show was the kids.  This cutie loved the baby llamas

Here is a better picture.  So cute.

What can I say.  As they watched mama and baby pigs, we watched
these wonderfully curious (and well behaved) children.

This tractor was just for kids.  They could steer to their heart's delight. Kids waited patiently for their turn.

Biggest flop eared bunny I'd ever seen.  It looks frightened but the
barn for the rabbits was warm, quiet and without too many people.
Perhaps Bunny knows, "There is no place like home."

Every year I glue myself to the chick hatching box.  Usually there are
dozens of eggs about to hatch but today there were none.
These chicks were pretty frisky.

Hubby encouraged me to get rid of the old mixer I inherited from mom.
It looked just like this with a clear bowl.
How thrilled I was when I saw this at the Home Baked Exhibit.
Love the 'hand' mixer.  NOSTALGIA! 
That's all for now.  Next time we will linger inside an empty condo being made ready for the re-build.
Lots happened in October but lots more is yet to come in November.
God brings so many blessings each day that it is hard to keep track.
I linger a little longer each day as the sun creeps behind clouds, rises too late and sets too early.
Summer is over.
The 'liminal' time between seasons stirs the soul to sit and reflect and embrace the beauty of change.